Monday, March 10, 2014

Here is my second version of my animatic for Flopp. I took out most of the original beginning and lengthened the confrontation between Flopp and the Hard drive. I also removed the mouse from the Desktop. Though I may add that back in, depending on how my workflow is going once I start animating.


  1. Austin, I really like the design of your hard drive dragon, I think it's going to be really cool. Some of your camera shots are really interesting. I know this is just an animatic, but I think if you played around with the camera a little more, that could add a alot to the look of the animation.

  2. Austin,
    Good progress so far! Some critique I have has to do with the shots you chose to introduce the dragon. I'm not entirely sure that if the intro shot of the dragon is the most effective (specifically the one that is front on from it). It just seems off, I think maybe because it's confusing as to where it's facing at first. But! I do think it's adorable how the floppy pokes the dragon. The fight scene shots work well also.

  3. Along the lines of what sierra said, I think the opening could be more effective, especially by emphasizing the fact that the computer is alive (and being bothered by the dragon, or somehow concerned.) there's close-ups on the two fighters- why not the computer? the whole things seems planned out though, with animation I look forward to see how it comes together.

  4. I think it might seem a bit unclear as to the intent of the floppy. Also the computer doesn't seem to be alive, it seems to be simply a prop for the dragon and floppy. Looking good so far!

  5. So far your animatic looks pretty good and I think that you timed most of the scenes well. I think that you could add a little more time to the very end of the battle between Flopp and the hard drive but overall the fight scenes work. Cant wait to see some of your blocked animation.
