Friday, March 14, 2014

This is a very large post, but its some renders of the final models and texturing of Flopp and the desktop, and two demos of how they both move. I have some issues with Flopp still, as his outlines are coming off of his model when he rotates.


  1. The movement seems to be looking good so far, however the style of the floppy and the computer are very different. I think a more similar style would bring them more together.

  2. I agree with Rachel with the style. Maybe you can add a toon shader to the computer too? (if you already have one, maybe bump up the intensity a bit more). Other than that, the movement in the computer seems to be pretty good. And Flop's bending seems to be good too. Good progress! Looking forward to some blocking and stuff.

  3. Flop looks like he's going to be a fun character, with the bouncing action. maybe he jumps up and down in excitement after defeating his enemy? His new color scheme is working for me too, light blue just seems like a noble color. The computer's working for me too, especially its movements (it seems so smooth and elegant when it looks around) and could be a cool contrast to flop's rougher bounds. maybe having a little separation between characters who are (1) very different objects with different personalities and (2) inevitably "incompatible" isn't a bad thing? a little deformation on the screen might make it look like they belong more in the same universe as well as giving the computer some expression, but it's really up to you.
