Friday, April 4, 2014

Here is an updated shot list. I cut the ending where the Desktop opens up its drive and Flopp tries to get in. I didn't like it, it wasn't happy, and Its just more work to do. Anyways here's the new shot list, though its missing some of the importance marks, and all of the difficulty ones. Ill look for the complete one and It will be up by the end of today.

1 comment:

  1. this puts a whole new twist on the story. It could work, but I feel like departure from the original motif would require some kind of change to flopp's character. In the original idea he was incompatable with the computer, and so he was kind of an outdated "loser" we could cheer for. The character design and silly face suited that fine. But now that he defends the computer while seeking nothing in return, I just feel like he needs to seem more like a noble warrior and keeper of an old way of life rather than a fat clunky guy with rough edges. I would change his facial expressions, shape, postures, and maybe even color so they say "knight/samurai/warrior" rather than "lovable loser." And then at the end he could do a bow and walk of regally? I feel like the warrior thing could really work with the comic book style you're going for. But if he seems kind of clumsy and simple minded, I would expect him to seek something from the computer in return at the end.
